
CPAP Therapy Helps People with Sleep Apnea

CPAP Therapy Helps People with Sleep Apnea
Posted on 11/10/2023

You may be wondering how a dental clinic can help with sleep apnea. Some dental clinics, like Panoramic Dental in Walnut Creek and Lafayette, have expanded to help patients with sleep apnea. The solutions they offer for snoring therapy in Walnut Creek are fairly straightforward. Panoramic Dental includes some of the easiest methods and treatments for your sleep apnea.

Family Dentist in Lafayette Has Home Test for Apnea

Imagine going to the dentist to get tested for sleep apnea. Normally these tests are conducted in a sleep lab with dozens of electrodes connected to every part of your body. How is it then that Panoramic Dental can test you for apnea?

Advances in testing for this sleep disorder have made it possible for you to take a home test kit from the dentist to your home. Follow the instructions carefully, and use the test when you go to bed that night. Results are recorded on either a memory card or sent via Wi-Fi back to the dentist's office.

The dentist examines the data collected from your one night of testing. A diagnosis of apnea can be made if it's noted that you have more than one significant pause in breathing in the course of an hour.

Options for Snoring Therapy in Walnut Creek

After you have officially been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you can choose from several treatment options. An oral appliance that prevents your tongue from relaxing into your throat comes from the dentist. Exercise to strengthen your tongue is another solution. A CPAP machine you have to wear all night is another, but it's not for everyone. There is an electric stimulator device that can be implanted surgically, but dentists do not offer that if it requires special surgery.

The Sleep Apnea Treatments a Dentist Provides

Even though Panoramic Dental can send you home with a sleep apnea test and provide you with results, they do not offer CPAP machines. However, you may find that oral exercises, oral therapy, and oral devices you put in your mouth and sleep with all night are offered. If you need a referral to get a CPAP machine, the team at Panoramic Dental will give it to you.

Make an Appointment Today
Wondering if you have sleep apnea? You can have a form of sleep apnea where snoring isn't present and not know it. If you want to find out, book an appointment with a family dentist in Lafayette's Panoramic Dental to get a home test kit.

Panoramic Dental

  • Panoramic Dental - 2225 Olympic Boulevard, Walnut Creek, CA 94595 Phone: 925-934-3251 Fax: 925-934-2136

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